Chapter 44 - Finale - Fiery Nights

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Chapter 44

Y/n's Pov.

"Even now you hide behind wolfsbane!" I can feel the blood dripping down my chin.

Her arms are painted that sickly purple poison, "It empowers me, Alpha Y/n. It makes me stronger than every other Alpha. The transformation has given me immunity to our common weakness and I intend to use it fully."

A wooden post crashes down between us, set ablaze by the flames. It was just a few moments before when one of us crashed into the many candlelights and torches, allowing the entire palace to be consumed in flames.

"I have loathed you from the beginning," She begins circling around trying to reach me, "I would have never agreed to the Shadow Pack wolves sending their Alpha into our territory. You would have been resting peacefully within the borders of your pack while I cured Namjoon."

I am struck with disbelief, "Cured!? You killed him! Left him to be consumed by his own wolf! And what of the rest of the pack? The fights, the bloodshed, the rioting! That is all done by your hand!"

She kicks away a fallen dresser, her brute Alpha strength sends the object sliding across the room, "If you had simply agreed to a traditional border marking instead of your pathetic project, then I would not have had to send a wolf to kill those two messenger wolves."

The memories of that day return to my mind. Traveling with those innocent young wolves. Fighting the rogue who so clearly said Blood Pack wolves were traveling through there. Finding the missing letters and the two rotting corpses. Never finding the answer to that cruel murder. All because of a Luna's bitterness.

"Jongyul and Seungri would have never known it was my dear cousin. Korain is too clever for them. Too cunning. Too much like me." Bloody footsteps are noticeable from behind our trails.

"You ruined this pack! Everything is lost! How can you call yourself Alpha when you are the root of all this destruction?!" I yell through the madness.

"I am more of an Alpha than you will ever be," She scowls.

With that, we both shift to our wolves. Her red fur blends with the flames and fallen drapes of the palace. The air is suffocating and thick, and I feel the floors begin to crumble, but I have no choice but to end this fight

She snaps forward, aiming straight for my wounded torso. I jerk around, digging my teeth into her shoulder; however, my throat screams from the wolfsbane cutting into my flesh. Even her teeth are coated in the torturous substance.

I shove her down and she swiftly rolls away, returning back to her feet in an instant.

Fresh blood drips to the floor, but I push forward, aiming to force her to the ground. She rolls again, using all of her four legs to throw me powerfully against a bookshelf.

The large shelves begin to tip over, leaning like a ghost over my figure. With panic, I scramble away, just missing the falling bookshelf.

I have no time to react to Seoyeon's advances, slamming me into the walls in an attempt to encase me between her frame and go for the neck.

The burning feeling returns and I cannot tell if it is caused by the actual fires or the poisonous wolfsbane that coats Seoyeon's fur.

Her jaws just miss my neck and I take my chance to snap my teeth against her ear, practically tearing away the ligament from her body. It spews blood from the wound.

She slams me back into the wall, each time digging harder and harder into my bleeding stomach. With enough force to cause the wall to cave out.

My sight begins to swirl with the flames. The air in my lungs rushed out with every slam.

Seoyeon freezes for a split second...and then backs away. I fall to the floor, wondering for what reason she would back away.

Another wooden beam followed by a chunk of ceiling comes crashing down.

I do not have enough time to move out of the way and the force sends my body sliding across the floor. Everything burns. My whole body feels like it is melting at the core, a red streak following where I slid. My mind forcefully shifts back to human and I realize how much blood is all over my skin.

Is this my true fate in the Blood Pack?

"Y/N!!!" I hear a heart-wrenching cry. My vision trembles in and out, unable to focus on the falling debris above. Eventually, I hear the shrieking sobs from beside me.


Even when tasting death, my mate looks so beautiful above me. I reach out, delicately with my bloody palm, feeling the comforting warmth of the boy I fell in love with.

"You have need to be safe.."

" I am not leaving you!"

"Please...Taehyung," I gasp from the loss of blood, " you."

He leans over my body, embracing me into his arms while continuing to hysterically wail across my shoulder.

"You can't go! You can't leave me when I have just found you!"

I burn my nose in his sweet scent, a few tears falling from my eyes from hearing his pain, "Please...let me go," I whisper softly, "It will be okay."

"I—I won't let you die!"

Everything swirls deeper and darker into a sea of pain and abyss. I wonder which breath will be my final breath.

Time feels still and torturously slow.

It is unbearably slow.

All I can hear is his agonizing cries and I just want them to stop.

"I won't let you die."

Everything is black, dark, and empty.

A wolf stands in front of me. Beautifully snow white with gem-like eyes that peer into my soul. I reach out towards him, feeling the softness of his silky fur.

"There is nothing you can do..."

I press my forehead against my mate's, closing my eyes with grief.

"You told me I am destined for more."


"I can save you. I will save you."

He looks into my eyes and the overwhelming feeling of comfort and warmth floods my mind. In front of me rests a beautiful sense of wonder and vulnerability. It consumes me entirely, his hand reaching out to mine like a delicate moonflower.

My mate now stands in front of me as a human. Smiling beautifully before pressing his sweet lips against mine.

And when I open my eyes...

All I can see is blue.

"What? What's happening!" I pull away from our kiss.

My skin vibrates like sparks, a calming hum over each and every wound. I look between us to see our blood mingle, the blood over his skin coming into direct contact with my blood.

He kisses me desperately again, the cuts and bruises between our skin touching once again. I feel his blood rushing to meet my torn wounds.

"Male Omega blood mixed with Alpha blood will heal any wound within seconds."

"That's impossible."

"Everything about us is impossible."

The palace trembles and whimpers from the overwhelming tension of the flames. I hear the snapping of a post from above, a shadow growing larger where we lie.

Like a spark, my reflexes move in an instant.

Taehyung clutches my body, refusing to let go while I shield our bodies from the crashing debris.

I can feel the pure azure glowing through my eyes. I can feel its raw unfathomed power, coursing through my blood and my wolf.

I look up and see Jungkook and Seoyeon rolling about in the flames, clawing and tearing into one another. Jungkook takes a few leaps back, guarding and protecting us from the fiery power of the Blood Pack Alpha, blood dripping down from his fur.

Seoyeon glances at my frame for a moment, unsure and cautious. She notices the blue coming from my eyes, and then the wolf beside me who refuses to let go.

My hands run over parts of my scarless skin. Many wounds have gone missing, replaced by soft untouched skin.

"I nearly killed you once! I can do it again!" The Alpha screams at me.

"Give up Seoyeon! Have you not felt enough pain!" I pull my mate closer, shielding him from the Alpha's voice. He gasps sharply, trying to fight her command.

The doors burst open, flames engulfing nearly half of the room. A familiar wolf enters, stalking towards the Alpha. His eyes appear to be dead and aloof from the chaos within the palace.

Seoyeon growls, "Get the hell out of my way, Seungri!"

The Beta stands facing his Alpha, a look of resignation on his face, "I am sorry, Seoyeon. I am sorry I did not take the Alpha Blood instead of you."

She snarls and seethes with red, bloody black red in her eyes, "I will kill you if you stand in my way!"

The Beta does not move an inch. I can see his limbs tremble from resisting the Alpha's voice.

"Go...," he tells us, "I will cover you guys..."

I scramble onto my feet, "Seungri!"

He growls painfully, "I SAID GO!"

The Beta does get a chance to hear my soundless thanks from the violent growls that fill the room once again. The floor begins to collapse beneath us, dawn slowly approaching the night sky. Everything is a chaotic blur that blends in with the inextinguishable flames.

The only thing coursing through my mind is protecting my pack.

Taehyung desperately holds onto my hand, guiding me back through the horrendous practically collapsed stairs. I see him and his wolf together as one, guiding us away from this frightful nightmare. The flames blossom like wildflowers, adorning the magnificent sight of my mate through the heinous walls. I am wholly and entirely consumed by his benevolence, holding onto him as my lifeline.

Jungkook nears close, making sure we are not followed or hunted down by any more Blood Pack guards. There is this desperation in his eyes, this devotion to protecting us and making it out alive. He repeatedly obstructs the pathway behind us, shoving the broken tables and flaming furniture behind.

Another burst can be heard from the excess flammable material, the fumes making our eyes water. Jungkook reaches for our shoulders, attempting to tell us to lower to the ground to avoid breathing in the deadly carbon. He covers my back and urges us to walk faster away from the swallowing flames.

The three of us stumble down to the lowest floor, the stairs cracking and shifting with instability. I notice Yoongi and Jimin waiting for us near the exit. They help through the last servant caught beneath the rubble before joining us out the doors. The two of them cling tightly to each other and to us, ready to risk everything to end every hell we have faced today.

Our feet finally reach the courtyard of the palace.

"We are leaving?" Taehyung looks into my eyes, with as much beautiful determination and hope as he had before.

"We are leaving," I breathe.

Together we flee the palace grounds and the inner city. There is too much chaos and destruction illuminating the center of the pack. Frantic wolves scramble in all directions, unsure of how to stop the flaming palace from burning to the ground. Some are searching for their Betas and Alpha for instruction, but their presence is unknown.

The further we run the more distant the palace and bloodshed appear to be. My heart wrings from the pain of leaving this place. We pass a couple of wailing wolves, mourning the death of their loved ones in the fires.

All that remains are the beautiful and torturous memories I made while being here. Nothing at home had prepared me for what I experienced in this pack. Nothing prepared me for the wolves I would meet, the fights I would have, and the death I would face.

"How...far is the Shadow Pack?" Jimin asks breathlessly, trying to keep up with our relentless pace.

Yoongi urges him on, the five of us running as hard as we can into the dense woods and shrubbery, "It will take a few days to reach," he catches his breath. No other wolves make note of our hasty escape.

I look at my mate, following close beside me. His face is covered with black ash and remnants of blood just like the rest of us. He never once looks back towards his own pack or anything he has left behind. He only glances at me occasionally, worrying if I am okay and if we are far enough to slow down our pace.

"We are outside official pack borders," Jungkook announces before falling to his knees on the forest floor, fiery exhaustion flowing up his legs. Jimin holds onto a nearby tree trunk and Yoongi stumbles to the ground, pressing back against a wooden stump.

Taehyung bumps into me, beginning to lose his balance. I catch him between my arms and together we crash to the ground, trying desperately to catch our breaths.

The brilliant flames of the Blood Pack palace reach towards the skies from afar, falling apart like a beautiful tragedy. The screams and horrors are all but a faint dream in the distance.

My mate shifts in my hold, leaning his head against me while watching the glowing flames. We all look towards the fallen pack, observing its last moments, its last glory.

I nudge my mate softly, "I am sorry..."

Taehyung turns a little, "For what?"

The flames flicker and burn like a bright candle in the distance, "It was your home. You won't be able to return until everything has calmed down. It may take years..."

He shakes his head, pressing closer into my neck, "You became my home the moment we laid our eyes on each other."

The warmth of his hand reaches towards my cheek and he leans closer to plant a sweet kiss. A flutter of bliss erupts in my heart, "Thank you for choosing me...for saving me."

I brush my nose against his.

"It was you who saved me, my love."

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉




"Jungkook....I think we missed a lot while we were locked up..."

"HOLY SHIT, YOONGI HYUNG! TaEhYungie hYuNg hAs a mAtinG mArk!"

"What did you say?!?!"

"Been there...I had my meltdown yesterday."

"Y/n aNd TaEhYuNg siTting iN a tRee~"


"Yoooongiiii! I want a mating mark!"

"Don't tempt me, Jimin...We are thousands of kilometers from my cabin."

"jUst dO iT iN tHe woOds, hYunG....Y/n nOo pLeaSe sPaRe mEeeee! AHHHHH!"

"Aish, this is going to be a long trip..."

Our heroes will return in...

[2] Shadow Pack - KTH

Thank you so much for the support for this book! This story means so much to me beyond words that can describe it. You may see a few updates from me while I edit this book. If you have enjoyed Blood Pack thus far, consider commenting, voting, and/or sharing this book!

Lastly, comment anything you would like to see in the next journey of our heroes' lives!

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