*Truth Be Told*

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"Sylvie!" Gabby squealed as she ran into the kitchen, seeing Sylvie sitting on the couch eating ice cream. Sylvie looked up quickly when she heard her name and she stood up and smiled. "Let me guess? You're safe!" Sylvie exclaimed giving Gabby a big hug. Gabby pulled back and looked at Sylvie's face. Something seemed different about her. "Sylvie... Are you okay?" Gabby asked sitting down on the couch, Sylvie sitting next to her eating more ice cream. "Well I kinda got some interesting news," Sylvie replied looking Gabby in the eyes.

Matt walked into his office and closed the door. He was so happy for Gabby, and seeing her smile that big really warmed his heart. Next door he saw Kelly, his face in his hands and he looked frustrated. Matt walked over to Kelly's office and knocked on the door making Kelly look up. He motioned for Matt to come in and when he did, he closed the door. "You okay Kelly?" Matt asked sitting in a chair directly in front of Kelly. Kelly shook his head and looked down ashamed. "I made a big mistake man," he replied, making Matt's eyes go wide. "What's up?" Matt asked crossing his arms looking at Kelly. Kelly looked up and stared Matt in the eyes. He took a deep breath and under his breath he muttered, "I'm hanging out with Sylvie" Matt stood up so fast that Kelly felt a quick rush of wind hit his face. "What do you mean by 'hanged out?' Kelly please tell me that you aren't..." "Yes.. We did," exclaimed Kelly out of frustration. "Was this when she was with Cruz or before?" Matt asked slowly sitting down, still recovering from the news. "Right before, I drank too much man. I didn't know what I was doing," Kelly answered standing up pacing around the room. "Then what seems to be the problem?" Matt asked. "She's..." Kelly pause, debating on whether he should spill. "She's what?" Kelly looked up and blurted out, "She's pregnant" Matt stood up and placed his hands behind his head and walked towards the door. "Are you serious?! You know what this can do?!" Matt asked raising his voice. "Yeah, that's why I'm agitated," Kelly replied sitting back down and placing his face into his hands. Matt pointed at Kelly and looked away and shook his head. "You better fix this," he replied before walking out the room, looking for Gabby.
"You're what?!" exclaimed Gabby as she stood outside with Sylvie, trying to process the news. "I'm pregnant," Sylvie replied rubbing her head with her fingers. "I've been eating the ice cream because I've been craving it, and I'm afraid to tell Cruz that it's not his," Sylvie said. Gabby changed her stance and looked at Sylvie with a stern face. "What do you mean it's not his?"  Gabby asked. Sylvie looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening. "It's Kelly's baby," Sylvie replied. Gabby's mouth dropped, and she stared at her friend. "When did this take place?" she asked but before Sylvie could answer, Matt walked up and tapped Gabby on the shoulder. "Hey Sylvie, do you mind if I could borrow Gabby for a minute?" he asked. Sylvie looked at Gabby and smiled. "Sure. I'll catch up with you guys later," Sylvie replied walking back into the firehouse, leaving Matt and Gabby alone.

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