03| the fine art of bullshit

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This chapter is dedicated to @PADFOOTSREGULUS for always encouraging me to write, voting on my chapters, and commenting! Thank you so much!! Make sure to check out her books because they are amazing!

I COULD FEEL the music pumping through my veins as I stood next to Nicolas watching as Alexandra and Evelyn make an entrance. I have to admit, Alexandra Black drives me fucking insane with her snarky attitude, evil glares she sends my way more than a million times a day, the way she gets attention so easily when she doesn't even have to try. But, she's also a really great friend to Evie and Nic. Me on the other hand, well I personally thinks she'd rather wear some clothes that are from a charity shop than have a civil conversation with me. And that's saying a lot.

I lifted my red solo cup filled with beer up to my lips as I peered over the rim of the cup as I looked at Alexandra outfit choice for the night. She wore a two piece, black silky crop top with a V-neck and mini skirt to match. I know that we basically hate each other, but if I didn't know her than I would definitely tap that.

I looked to the left of Alexandra towards Evelyn and saw that she was wearing a blue, shimmery bodycon dress, which I can imagine is driving Nicolas crazy. Evelyn is indeed a beautiful girl but she's like a sister to me since I grew up with her and Alexandra. Although I've never seen Black as a sister. I'm not saying I see her in a romantic way, but if given the chance I would totally fuck her.

I was knocked out of my daze when I saw the girls approaching us, gaining a few heads to turn and look at them as they neared.

"Hey boys" Evelyn said to us while kissing Nic's cheek as a greeting.

"Hey Evelyn. Black" I replied with a little smirk on my face as I looked at Alex.

"Seriously? Why do you feel the need to call me that?" I heard Evelyn say with a hint of both annoyance and amusement in her voice.

I call her by her real name because I know she hates it, and no one else calls her it, not even Nic calls her it because he's afraid of her. Pussy. I've been calling her 'Evelyn' ever since I learned that she hated it. So in return she teamed up with Alexandra to call me 'Sebby' at every chance they get since they know it irritates me so much.

"Because it's your name dumbass" I replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Aw Sebby look, it's three of your many followers approaching us right now. Everyone take cover because the slut show is in town" I heard Alex say while stifling her laughter along with Evelyn and Nic.

I turned my head around and internally groaned at the three girls who were slowly approaching, trying to look hot apparently. Hadley Humphries, India Bradford, and Vanessa Edwards. The three most fake girls at Worthington Preparatory. I've slept with all three of them. I know disgusting right? I think it's fair to say that I've slept with majority of the girls at Worthington Preparatory excluding Alexandra and Evelyn. I am really beginning to regret my actions right about now.

"Hey Seb" Vanessa said to me in a very seductive voice that was somehow supposed to seduce me into sleeping with her again.

"Yeah only the people that I like can call me 'Seb', Vanessa" I replied with boredom pretty clear in my voice as I rolled my eyes at her and her crew.

"Oh Sebastian you're so funny" she replied whilst laughing her head off like a fucking lunatic.

"He didn't say anything funny, Vanessa. He just said that he doesn't like you. God can't you take a fucking hint?" I heard someone speak up from behind me, and as I turned around I saw Alexandra giving Vanessa, Hadley, and India a death glare that even I wouldn't want to be on the other end of.

"Oh hi Alexandra. I didn't see you there. Just like when I didn't see you that night because I was fucking your boyfriend since you wouldn't put out" Vanessa spoke directly at Alexandra with a sickly sweet voice.

"Why you little bi-" Evelyn started storming her way towards Vanessa as Nicolas pulls her gently back and tells her to calm down.

"I bet the sex wasn't any good though? His dick's pretty tiny isn't it?" Alexandra finally piped up after glaring at her for a good few minutes. I looked back at Vanessa to see her smile faded slightly before she turned her head to look at me.

"I'll see you later Seb? Come find me when your ready to head back to my place yeah?" she asked me biting her bottom lip as I internally cringed at the action. I just ignored her and turned back to my friends as I gave them a look that said 'let's get fucked' and we all smiled and walked towards the bar.


This weed is hitting hard. Mixed with a shit ton of alcohol it's safe to say I'm pretty fucked up at the moment. I've only ever done weed because I've seen the shit that happens to people when they start taking pills instead. But at this point I don't have a fucking clue what's going on, so when one of the guys in the circle hands me a small white pill, I just took it. Internally regretting my decision but what's done is done. I can't reverse the clock.

I guess this all started from a young age when my parents would constantly be on business trips, never home to look after their kids, ignoring our existence completely. I felt neglected. I guess deep down I knew that they loved me, but when you have three best friends with parents that have the same jobs as them and have time to actually care about their own damn kids, you start to wonder, well why am I any different? I quite literally craved their attention since everyone else was getting it.

I began to act out at the beginning of freshman year. It started with just simply talking back to teachers, being late to class, skipping school, the usual stuff everyone does once in a while. But when they still didn't pay any attention to me I started to lash out even more. Getting into random fights, suspension, sleeping around with nearly every girl that breathes, getting daily detention. Still nothing.

Then I started to turn down a very dark alley. Drinks and drugs. I wish I knew the shit I would be getting into before I started to this. I've got depts to pay these rundown drug dealers, raiding my parents alcohol cupboards. They still haven't noticed. They never do. it's not like they never talk to me, I mean they call me now and again to see how my siblings are doing but those calls only last about 5 minutes. That's what pissed me off the most. They'd ask about everyone else in their lives apart from me. Yeah they'd call me but that doesn't mean the call is actually for me.

And that's why I decided to take that pill and drown away my sorrows with alcohol. I soon snapped out of my daze when I heard people around me freaking out about police shutting down the party and arresting people.

I stood up to go run to my friends but I started to sway slightly and immediately knew I was in some deep shit. I tried my best to run away and call Nicolas, but I fumbled with my phone and ended up dropping it on the floor. I bent down to pick it up when I felt something click onto my wrists, tightening in the process. Shit. I felt myself being dragged to the police car and being shoved into the back of the car.

"Why am I being arrested?" I slurred over my mumbled words and if that didn't tell me why I was being arrested than I don't know what will.

"Well, you're being arrested for underage drinking and possible drug consumption, son. So sit tight because we're taking a small trip downtown" the police officer responded, but before I could say anything, blackness took over and I fell into a deep slumber in the back of the police car.


I woke up to the feel of rumbling beneath me. What the fuck? I looked around my surroundings and saw that I was no longer in the police car, but rather my families limousine, and my parents staring straight at me with permanent scowls set on their faces. I tried to open my mouth but what came out was not words, in fact it was sick. Fuck they're really going to hate me now.

"Why did you do it? Why did you take that pill? The drinking I can live with because your father and I used to drink at your age. The weed, well I'm still not happy about it but it's better than taking a lot of other drugs. But pills? Why Sebastian? You don't even understand how disappointed and angry I am at you right now." I heard my mother ask me softly, but as she went on she started getting angrier.

I just stared blankly at her, completely sobered up now that I was being lectured. My dad just sat there looking at me with total anger evident in his eyes.

"You have no reason to be acting like this, son. Do you have any idea how much money we had to pay to get you out of jail and keep this from getting out to the press?" My dad raised his voice slightly. And by this point I was fuming because the only reason they paid my bail was to keep the family name out of bad press. Fucking pathetic.

"Oh please, I don't think you'll mind missing a couple thousand dollars from your bank account we have plenty of money coming in, and plus I though you loved it when your name was in the press, I mean it means more publicity, right dad?" I sneered back at him, very close to my breaking point.

"Sebastian Thomas Kingsley! How dare you speak to your father that way! We will continue this conversation in the living room, so both of you out of the car and get inside now!" My mother glared daggers at the both of us.

I threw the limousine door open and was immediately hit with a cold gust of wind and loud, thunderous rain pouring down on me. I slammed the door shut and didn't bother waiting for my parents before I stormed into the lobby and went in the elevator up to my penthouse.

I heard the ding of the elevator and snapped out of my daze and began walking out of the elevator and towards the kitchen. Filling up a glass with ice cold water and instantly chugging it. I froze when I heard a small voice speak from behind.

"Sebby? Is that you?" I heard my younger sister, Sophia ask. I turned around to see my red puffy eyed little sister, wrapped up in a blanket, sniffling as she saw that it was me. When her eyes glossed over I immediately engulfed her in a big bear hug.

"Mom and dad were fighting again, they were shouting about you being arrested. I was so scared about you leaving me too Sebby" Sophia sobbed in my shirt as her body shook as she chocked on sobs.

"Soph, I will never leave you ok? You're my little sister and I will always be in your life, and I promise you that I'll never leave, ok?" I tried my best to sooth her without crying myself, seeing what I've done to my baby sister broke me.

"No you don't understand! They were talking about sending you away somewhere if you don't sort your act out! Your going to leave me like they did!" She looked at me with fear evident in her eyes. As I went to ask her what she meant the elevator binged and in walked my parents looking very angry.

"Sophia Evanna Kingsley what on earth are you doing out of bed? It's 2am!" My father shouted at her.

"Hey! She's up because you go wouldn't stop fucking arguing about me and something about sending me off somewhere!" I defended, annoyed that they were dragging Sophia into this bullshit.

My mother and father both looked at each other and then turned back to me.

"If you don't sort out your act out in the next month, we're sending you to boarding school in London for the rest of year senior year" my father spoke coldly towards me. I heard Sophia gasp as she began to cry quietly behind me.

"Boarding school? In London? Are you serious? This is my last year at Worthington Preparatory and your just going to take it away from me because you can't control your own child?!?" I boomed back at them absolutely disgusted that they haven't even tried to ask me what's wrong.

"I'm not having this argument with you Sebastian. Your father and I have agreed that we'll give you one month to prove yourself to us, no drugs, no drinking, no bringing girls home, better grades, better attendance, just better everything. And if not than you're going to London. And that's final" My mother said calmly as she and my father walked upstairs to their room.

"Sebastian please. You can't leave me. I just started at Worthington Preparatory and I can't not have my big brother there looking out for me. Just please think of a way for them to see. To see how great you are. How great of. Brother you are, how great of a friend, an athlete, a role model, how good of a person you are. Please, for me." Sophia pleads me with wide eyes, tears slowly sliding down her cheek.

"I will Soph. I don't know how, but I promise you. I will" I said as I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead as we both went upstairs to our rooms.


I later awake staring at the ceiling, thinking of a way to get my parents trust that I can be good. For once.

What the fuck can I do to prove this type of shit?

I could employ someone sneaky to help me win them over? Who's someone I know that can be pretty sneaky that I know will agree?

Nicolas is definitely in on the plan somehow. He's always over my penthouse so my parents are bound to see him and ask questions about school, when they're around that is.

Evelyn will know about the plan to but I don't think she'll play a part in it because she can't lie for shit. Maybe she could help Nic if he doesn't convince my parents enough because everyone loves Evelyn.

Alexandra Black. What part in this plan can she play? She's bound to do something dirty to get me in trouble somehow. Nah, she needs to get something in return for doing something. But what? I can't get her something from Gucci or Prada because she already has fucking everything. What does she want most in the world?

Revenge on Jackson Collins.

And who's the king of Worthington Preparatory? Me.

Who's the queen of Worthington Preparatory? Alexandra Black.

We'd make a great power couple. Obviously not in real life, no. Fake? Ok let's think of the pros and cons of fake satanic Alexandra Black.

Pros - my parents love her, she the queen, hot as fuck, I guess she's a decent human being sometimes, she'll get Jackson Collins jealous and ultimately get revenge on him cheating on her.

Cons - fake dating Alexandra Black.

Well boys and girls. I think we've got a plan. All I need to do now is get her to agree to be plan. Should be easy.


Chapter 3 is up guys! Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, and added my book to their reading lists it means so much to me!!

I don't know I feel about this chapter, I mean I like because we get to see a different side of Sebastian with his little sister and the reason for the 'bad boy' exterior. But I'm like maybe I should've put more scenes of Seb and Alex in or with Nic and Evie but idk!! Let me know what you all think it will really help me with future chapters/books.

Status: unedited

Remember to vote and comment!!

Thank you I love you all!

- Addy :)

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