04 Marry you?

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Darshan / Sara

"Hello, Stranger!"

"You didn't repeat your crappy introduction or have I gone deaf?"

"Well, you don't like it so..."

"OH MY GOD! Love-man is this you? What have you done to my Love-man? Return him before I shove your dick up your ass!"

"WOW! Vivid imagination but I highly doubt if it's possible."

"Proving is always an option!"

"Uhmm...No. I would like to have cute little kids of my own somewhere in the future."

"Awe! Will you name them after me?"

"That might be the cruelest thing I could do to my kids!"

"Ouch! You hurt my feelings, love-man. After everything, we went through? After everything, I did for you? I thought we would get married and have a dozen of kids, get old together." *fake sobs*

"Did you just say 'a dozen of kids'?" *wheezes out*

"Did I, now?"

"Why do you think I'll marry you?"

"Uhm.. maybe because you are unconditional - insanely in love with me."

"Sweetheart, you are living a lie."

"I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away!"

"Was I suppose to swoon?"

"Uhm... yeah!?"

"Let's pretend this conversation never took place."

"I am no photographer but I can picture us together."


"You are like an exothermic reaction -you spread your hotness everywhere!"

*blush* "ahh..."

"Is your name wifi? Because I can feel a connection."

"Stranger..." *blush*

"Boy, if I was an enzyme I would be DNA helicase... So I could unzip those genes."

"Okay, I'm officially hanging up!"

"NO, WAIT!!"



"You will wh--"


"--at?" *groans*Β "I wanted to hang up!"

"But today was... fun."Β *blush*




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